Mastering Your Energy with Food – RSVP Please call 314-238-2000 to Register
With Bridgette Kossor, macrobiotic cooking teacher/energy guide
Tuesdays, April 23, May 7, 21 and June 4 • 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Please commit to all four sessions
This four class, pioneering program is brand new and designed to help you learn how to identify, manage and master your energy, from the food you eat to the choices you make, based on your inner “GPS”. Topics covered in this program: (every class includes cooking instruction)
• Cooking instruction, including techniques and their energetic effects on
food and mood.
• Learning how to balance moods and choices with the energy in our food
and thoughts.
• Explore how to create an inner-based system for health and well-being by learning how to manage and master our own personal energy.
• The scale of food energy, how to navigate and use it daily.
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